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Reseach Article

Acoustic Model of Body and Swim Bladder forTarget Identification

by Sunardi, Anton Yudhana, Jafri Din
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sunardi, Anton Yudhana, Jafri Din

Sunardi, Anton Yudhana, Jafri Din . Acoustic Model of Body and Swim Bladder forTarget Identification. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 1, 1 ( November 2012), 20-24. DOI=10.5120/ijais12-450722

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title = { Acoustic Model of Body and Swim Bladder forTarget Identification },
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%A Anton Yudhana
%A Jafri Din
%T Acoustic Model of Body and Swim Bladder forTarget Identification
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This paper discusses the Target Strength (TS) results offish from in situ measurement at the life sea habitat compared to acoustic model. In situ measurement of fish Selarboops (Oxeye scad) and Megalaspiscordyla (Torpedo scad) have been deployed using Scientific Echo Sounder. Laterally and dorsally X-ray imaged of fish have been deployed to perform fish body and swim bladder morphology. Length, height, width, upper surface, volume, and tilt angle for swim bladder to fish body have been measured for acoustic model of Kirchhoff-ray mode (KRM) implementation. The TS results from modeling simulation were compared with TS data from in situ measurement. The consistency is achieved, which are Megalaspiscordyla produce higher TS than Selarboops and swim bladder shows significant contributions to the TS value compared to the fish body.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Swim bladder Target Strength X-ray KRM model Acoustic model