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Passwords Management System using Blowfish Cryptographic Algorithm with Cipher Block Chaining Mode

by Ashish.t. Bhole, Savita D. Patil
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ashish.t. Bhole, Savita D. Patil

Ashish.t. Bhole, Savita D. Patil . Passwords Management System using Blowfish Cryptographic Algorithm with Cipher Block Chaining Mode. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 1, 9 ( April 2012), 6-10. DOI=10.5120/ijais12-450226

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%T Passwords Management System using Blowfish Cryptographic Algorithm with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
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Everyone has the security problem of private information and increase in demand of Internet use, creates security problems which results in loss of internet users passwords. There are too many users on the Internet; you might have found one user having more usernames and passwords, which contains user's private information. It is difficult to remember all usernames and passwords and unsafe to write them on paper. Password security and data management is very difficult task. Security can be provided by cryptography and data management can be provided by password management system. To solve this problem, this paper explained a design and implementation of Passwords Management System, by which one can manage his usernames and passwords efficiently. Proposed Password Management System (PMS) is based on Blowfish Algorithm that operates on symmetric block cipher with 56-bytes key. The implementation of Password Management System (PMS) uses blowfish cryptographic algorithm in cipher block chaining mode (CBC) which provides high security. Implemented system deals with everything from the simple storage of user name and passwords to the management of password access across many users.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Password Management System Blowfish Algorithm Cbc Blowfish Key Cryptographic Algorithm