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Cloud Computing Governance Readiness Assessment: Case Study of a local Airline Company

by Stephen O. Owuonda, Dan Orwa
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 10 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Stephen O. Owuonda, Dan Orwa

Stephen O. Owuonda, Dan Orwa . Cloud Computing Governance Readiness Assessment: Case Study of a local Airline Company. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 10, 8 ( April 2016), 33-42. DOI=10.5120/ijais2016451543

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Cloud computing has attracted interest from both and public sector, especially the organizations that seek innovative ways to save money while increasing the trust and value of their IT systems. It shifted the traditional IT paradigm by extending Information Technology’s existing capabilities by offering high scalability capabilities, reduced time to market, transformation of CAPEX to OPEX thus offering cost advantages as well as efficient use of computing resources due to pay-per-use nature of cloud services. Despite these advantages it offers against on-premise IT platforms; many enterprise customers are still reluctant to deploy their business in the cloud. Additionally, many organizations that have adopted cloud services did so without clear cloud governance policies; therefore they fail to reap the many benefits that cloud computing offers. Further, most organizations don’t have mechanisms to measure their cloud governance maturity, and therefore may not identify the opportunities of improvement in their cloud governance for better value delivery. This research sought to assess the cloud governance readiness of a local airline by identifying the various opportunities cloud computing offers as well as the challenges it presents to the organization, establish the various factors that contribute to and the extent to which they influence effective cloud governance in the organization, determine the cloud computing capability maturity level of the organization’s and give recommendations on how the organization can improve cloud governance to attain a higher maturity level.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Governance security public cloud private cloud hybrid cloud cloud computing capability Maturity Model