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A Comparative Assessment between Visual Interpretation and Pixel based Approach for Land Use/ Cover Mapping using IRS LISS-III Imagery

by Parmod Kumar, Raj Setia, D. C. Loshali, Brijendra Pateriya
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 11 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Parmod Kumar, Raj Setia, D. C. Loshali, Brijendra Pateriya

Parmod Kumar, Raj Setia, D. C. Loshali, Brijendra Pateriya . A Comparative Assessment between Visual Interpretation and Pixel based Approach for Land Use/ Cover Mapping using IRS LISS-III Imagery. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 11, 11 ( Mar 2017), 63-67. DOI=10.5120/ijais2017451656

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title = { A Comparative Assessment between Visual Interpretation and Pixel based Approach for Land Use/ Cover Mapping using IRS LISS-III Imagery },
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%A Parmod Kumar
%A Raj Setia
%A D. C. Loshali
%A Brijendra Pateriya
%T A Comparative Assessment between Visual Interpretation and Pixel based Approach for Land Use/ Cover Mapping using IRS LISS-III Imagery
%J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
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The information about land use /cover information is required for urban planning, eco-systems research and developing short and long term plans for the sustainable use, conservation and development of natural resources. A number of techniques have been used for extracting land use/cover information from satellite imagery. The most commonly used techniques are visual interpretation and pixel based classification (unsupervised and supervised classification). In this study, we compared visual interpretation, unsupervised and supervised classification techniques to extract the land use/cover information from Resorcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor-III (LISS-III) satellite imagery (Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellite with spatial resolution of 23.5 m) on 1:50,000 scale in the Barnala district of Punjab (India). Ground data was collected from field and accuracy assessments of the three classifications were undertaken. Five land use/cover classes (built-up, agriculture land, forest, wastelands and water bodies) were extracted and the results were compared among these. The overall accuracies showed that visual interpretation (83.6%) performed better results than unsupervised and supervised classification techniques. Between both the pixel based classification techniques, supervised classification (75.5%) was better than unsupervised classification (64.3%). The major variations in accuracy assessment were due to agriculture land and forest extracted using all of the three techniques. These results suggest that visual interpretation technique is better for extracting land use/cover but it takes more time than supervised classification which may be used for getting quick information about land use/cover of an area.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital classification Land use/Land Cover LISS-III Visual interpretation