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Proficient and Reliable Anonymous Routing Protocol (RARP) in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment using Digital Signatures

by K. O. Boateng, William Asiedu
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: K. O. Boateng, William Asiedu

K. O. Boateng, William Asiedu . Proficient and Reliable Anonymous Routing Protocol (RARP) in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Environment using Digital Signatures. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 11 ( Feb 2018), 10-15. DOI=10.5120/ijais2018451739

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A lot of attention has been drawn to ensuring a secure communication in an ad hoc network environment. It is important to anonymously send and receive sensitive data from secure sources. Digital signature is one of the powerful ways of ensuring integrity, privacy, confidentiality and nonrepudiation in terms of signing messages. A technique from RSA is employed to propose a new digital signature to be used in wireless networks. This concept also ensures both source and location anonymity. Adversaries will find it difficult to identify the source of a message and exactly where the message is being sent to. With regard to a zone, it will not be possible to identify who sends a message and also who receives it within the group in the zone. It is believed that the signature is light weight and can easily be generated by any of the nodes in the zone. In the context of using the scheme without wireless network, individual uses alternative steps for signing sensitive documents by classifying data according to their sensitivity such as classified, secret or top secret data. This scheme also generates group signatures with multiple public keys which correspond to the group members instead of one public key for each group which is implemented in most other group signature schemes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Signature Anonymity Privacy Confidentiality Adversaries RSA Communication Location