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Reseach Article

Comparison of Analytical modeling and Numerical modeling of the role of Reverse Parameter using Differential Geometry in Differential rate Equations of Tm-doped tellurite Material

by Wedad Albalawi, Ali Albalawi
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Wedad Albalawi, Ali Albalawi

Wedad Albalawi, Ali Albalawi . Comparison of Analytical modeling and Numerical modeling of the role of Reverse Parameter using Differential Geometry in Differential rate Equations of Tm-doped tellurite Material. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 11 ( Feb 2018), 20-25. DOI=10.5120/ijais2018451741

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title = { Comparison of Analytical modeling and Numerical modeling of the role of Reverse Parameter using Differential Geometry in Differential rate Equations of Tm-doped tellurite Material },
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issue_date = { Feb 2018 },
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%A Wedad Albalawi
%A Ali Albalawi
%T Comparison of Analytical modeling and Numerical modeling of the role of Reverse Parameter using Differential Geometry in Differential rate Equations of Tm-doped tellurite Material
%J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
%@ 2249-0868
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This paper analytical and numerical investigates the reverse cross relaxation parameter in differential rate equations of Tm-doped tellurite material using differential geometry principles with different dopant concentrations. The comparison between analytical simulation and numerical simulation indicates that there is difference in calculations in case of neglect the reverse cross relaxation parameters in analytical modeling compared with the simulation which respects reverse cross relaxation parameter in numerical modeling. The difference is calculated for a set of samples with concentration level variations by a factor of 30 (0.36 mol% to 10 mol%). This paper shows also the impact of neglect the reverse cross relaxation parameter on the population of Tm-doped tellurite material. It indicates that the role of reverse crosses relaxation impacts according to pump intensity and energy level and it have a significant effect on the simulation of laser and amplifier devices.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Thulium-doped material Differential rate equations Pump power reverse cross relaxation parameter Cross-relaxation