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Realization of Remote WebSIG of Photovoltaic Micro-Networks in Conakry (Guinea)

by Kakayo Herv� Kpegne, Kan D�sir� Kouassi, Derving Baka, Tchimou Vincent Assoma, Mahaman Bachir Saley, Conan Bruno Fr�d�ric Yao
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Kakayo Herv� Kpegne, Kan D�sir� Kouassi, Derving Baka, Tchimou Vincent Assoma, Mahaman Bachir Saley, Conan Bruno Fr�d�ric Yao

Kakayo Herv� Kpegne, Kan D�sir� Kouassi, Derving Baka, Tchimou Vincent Assoma, Mahaman Bachir Saley, Conan Bruno Fr�d�ric Yao . Realization of Remote WebSIG of Photovoltaic Micro-Networks in Conakry (Guinea). International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 12 ( Apr 2018), 1-10. DOI=10.5120/ijais2018451748

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title = { Realization of Remote WebSIG of Photovoltaic Micro-Networks in Conakry (Guinea) },
journal = { International Journal of Applied Information Systems },
issue_date = { Apr 2018 },
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pages = { 1-10 },
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%A Kakayo Herv� Kpegne
%A Kan D�sir� Kouassi
%A Derving Baka
%A Tchimou Vincent Assoma
%A Mahaman Bachir Saley
%A Conan Bruno Fr�d�ric Yao
%T Realization of Remote WebSIG of Photovoltaic Micro-Networks in Conakry (Guinea)
%J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

In Conakry, Guinea, the development of solar energy is still in an embryonic state. With this in mind, the popularization of photovoltaic energy seems to be the right alternative to sustainably improve access to electricity for residents of Conakry. This study proposes to provide a solution to the energy deficit of the population of Conakry. It aims to implement a Web GIS remote monitoring of photovoltaic micro-networks using low speed mobile GSM / GPRS networks to centralize the data collected. The tools used for this purpose in particular are the PostgreSQL / PostGIS couple, the Apache server, the free QGIS GIS software, the LizMap cartographic servers and web portal, the Win `Design software, etc. have effectively controlled the photovoltaic stations. It also aims at making thematic maps relating to the sun, the stock and the energy consumption, as well as the shedding statistics and finally to understand the causes of their dysfunction so as to remedy them by taking effective corrective or preventative measures to contain the anomalies.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Photovoltaic energy Web GIS Web mapping Conakry Guinea