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Development and Success Evaluation of a Chatbot-based Herbs and Fruits Therapeutic Properties Inquiry System

by Oyelami Moses Olufemi, Awoniran Olalekan Monsir, Oyakhire Rudolf Omozuafo
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 37
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Oyelami Moses Olufemi, Awoniran Olalekan Monsir, Oyakhire Rudolf Omozuafo

Oyelami Moses Olufemi, Awoniran Olalekan Monsir, Oyakhire Rudolf Omozuafo . Development and Success Evaluation of a Chatbot-based Herbs and Fruits Therapeutic Properties Inquiry System. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 37 ( June 2021), 23-28. DOI=10.5120/ijais2021451909

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In this research, we explored the use of a conversational-based inquiry system in healthcare through the development of medicinal herbs and fruits therapy chatbot for different ailments and tested the application for success using the DeLone & McLean Success Model. Our methodology involves gathering medicinal herbs and fruits from published materials,design a mobile chatbot application, and finally, system testing for intention to use, user satisfaction, net benefits, and acceptability using 30 respondents. The results from the evaluation show that a large percentage of the respondents supported the use of cell phones, PDAs, and smartphones for obtaining therapeutic information about herbs and fruits. Also, a large percentage were satisfied with the system, found the application beneficial, and would always use the developed application. Conclusively, conversational-based inquiry systems and AI applications can be developed for information provision on medicinal herbs and fruits therapeutics of various ailments and illnesses.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Herbs Fruits Conversational-based Inquiry Systems Chatbots Information Systems Traditional medicine Therapeutic Information