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Reseach Article

Overview of Big Data in Cloud Computing Environment

by Sara Kaleem
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Sara Kaleem

Sara Kaleem . Overview of Big Data in Cloud Computing Environment. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 39 ( April 2022), 6-12. DOI=10.5120/ijais2022451925

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Cloud computing is a game-changing technology that helps organizations innovate and compete in the digital economy by lowering upfront infrastructure expenses, and democratizing access to computing and storage capacity. The cloud computing technology provides hardware, software and platforms as a service. It is the explicit solution that enters into the picture in order to process, store, and exchange a massive amount of data generated every second. This paper aims to focus on the use of cloud in big data.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Big data Cloud computing Security Privacy Services