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Reseach Article

Web-based Integrated Restaurant Management System

by Linda Uchenna Oghenekaro, Jacinta Chielozonam Okafor
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 40
Year of Publication: 2023
Authors: Linda Uchenna Oghenekaro, Jacinta Chielozonam Okafor

Linda Uchenna Oghenekaro, Jacinta Chielozonam Okafor . Web-based Integrated Restaurant Management System. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 40 ( May 2023), 48-53. DOI=10.5120/ijais2023451945

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title = { Web-based Integrated Restaurant Management System },
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%A Linda Uchenna Oghenekaro
%A Jacinta Chielozonam Okafor
%T Web-based Integrated Restaurant Management System
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This project work studies the development of restaurant management system. It is as a result of problem associated with the existing system which involves the use of Hashmicro system to compliment the manual method in keeping information in Sammies restaurant. The existing system are characterized with many problems which are staff are taking too much time pursuing mistakes instead of tending to customers, inventory doesn’t match your tallies, sales going unrecorded, and other. Restaurant personnel use computerized management database information system to gather data, process data and also keep it for future use and product ordering. The proposed system was implemented using HTML/CSS for the user interface, PHP and MYSQL database for the back end. Structured system analysis and design methodology was adopted. The designed system will allow the pliability to the Users/ Customers to order from Restaurants. It will also give recommendations to the users from the owners of the restaurants uploaded daily. In the proposed system, there will be no limitation on the amount of order the customer wants.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-commerce HashMicro System Webpage Database Flowchart