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Developing an Efficient Mining of Frequent Itemsets using OFIM for Big Data

by Abdulkader M. Al-Badani, Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 12 - Number 45
Year of Publication: 2024
Authors: Abdulkader M. Al-Badani, Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi

Abdulkader M. Al-Badani, Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi . Developing an Efficient Mining of Frequent Itemsets using OFIM for Big Data. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 12, 45 ( Jul 2024), 16-22. DOI=10.5120/ijais2024451980

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title = { Developing an Efficient Mining of Frequent Itemsets using OFIM for Big Data },
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issue_date = { Jul 2024 },
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%A Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi
%T Developing an Efficient Mining of Frequent Itemsets using OFIM for Big Data
%J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
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Big data mining is challenging.An effective algorithm and computer software are needed to solve problems while working with large datasets.The FP Growth Algorithm takes a long time to compute and extract results, and it demands a lot of memory.Right now, the FP_Growth algorithm is among the finest methods for mining frequent itemsets.The transaction dataset is used to create a tree structure, which is then recursively traversed to extract frequently occurring itemsets using a depth first search strategy.Additionally, creating an FP_tree requires time and suffers from growing larger FP_trees and producing a high number of frequent itemsets.In this paper, the suggest alterations to the FP_Growth algorithm's operation.With our usage of the proposed matrix OFIM to build a very compact FP-tree, the recommended approach would cut mining time and the number of regularly generated items, giving a considerable reduction in decision_making in large datasets.Furthermore, our technique significantly improves its speed in handling large datasets by limiting the amount of items that are produced often, thereby optimizing memory use.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
Data Mining
Association Rule
Frequent Itemsets Mining


FP-Growth Algorithm Aprioiri Algorithm FP-tree Support Count Ordered Frequent Itemset Matrix