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River Change Detection and Bank Erosion Identification using Topographical and Remote Sensing Data

by Sainath P. Aher, Shashikant I. Bairagi, Pragati P. Deshmukh, Ravindra D. Gaikwad
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sainath P. Aher, Shashikant I. Bairagi, Pragati P. Deshmukh, Ravindra D. Gaikwad

Sainath P. Aher, Shashikant I. Bairagi, Pragati P. Deshmukh, Ravindra D. Gaikwad . River Change Detection and Bank Erosion Identification using Topographical and Remote Sensing Data. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 2, 3 ( May 2012), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijais12-450283

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%A Pragati P. Deshmukh
%A Ravindra D. Gaikwad
%T River Change Detection and Bank Erosion Identification using Topographical and Remote Sensing Data
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There are continuous changes upon earth surface by a variety of natural and anthropological agent's activities. These agents cut, carry, away and deposit the materials from land surface. Running water has higher capacity of erosion than the other geomorphologic agents. The present research work related to 'Pravara River' which channel is continuously changing due to geomorphic, climatic agents and human activities influence in the surrounded region of Present River. This changes identification is the main objective of paper with constructive suggestions for control the bank erosion and shifting of Pravara River. An attempt has been made here, to apparatus the GIS and RS techniques for river change detection using traditional to advance geographical data sources. The advances Remote Sensing data and Topographical data are to be implementing for obtaining 35 years changes results in river stream. The comparatively result explains the 35 years changes in the river bank due to various natural and manmade activities like flood, water velocity, sand excavation, removal the vegetation cover and fertile soil excavation for the various proposes of local surrounded region's people.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Erosion Change Detection Remote Sensing Gis