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Study and analysis of quality of service in different image based steganography using Pixel Mapping Method (PMM)

by Souvik Bhattacharyya
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Souvik Bhattacharyya

Souvik Bhattacharyya . Study and analysis of quality of service in different image based steganography using Pixel Mapping Method (PMM). International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 2, 7 ( May 2012), 42-57. DOI=http:/ijais12-450358

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In this work authors investigate the performance of state of the art Pixel Mapping Method (PMM) an image based steganography method proposed in the literature. This method is tested against a number of well-known image similarity metrics operate in the spatial domain. All the experiments are performed based on the large data set of PMM based stego images generated at different domain. This image data set is categorized with respect to size, quality and texture to determine their potential impact on various steganalysis performance also. To establish a comparative evaluation of techniques, some undetected results obtained at various embedding rates plays a vital role. In addition to variation in cover and stego image properties, the comparison also takes into consideration different message length definitions and computational complexity issues.

  1. Ahmad T. Al-Taani. and Abdullah M. AL-Issa. A novel steganographic method for gray-level images. International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering, 3, 2009.
  2. RJ Anderson. Stretching the limits of steganography. Information Hiding, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1174:39–48, 1996.
  3. Ross J. Anderson. and Fabien A. P. Petitcolas. On the limits of steganography. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC),Special Issue on Copyright and Privacy Protection, 16:474–481, 1998.
  4. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. Study of secure steganography model. In Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT-2008),Panipath,India, 2008.
  5. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. An image based steganography model for promoting global cyber security. In Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Hyderabad, India, 2009.
  6. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. Implementation and design of an image based steganographic model. In Proceedings of IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Patiala, India, 2009.
  7. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. Hiding data in images using pixel mapping method (pmm). In Proceedings of 9th annual Conference on Security and Management (SAM) under The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing(World Comp 2010), LasVegas,USA, July 12-15,2010.
  8. Geert Uytterhoeven Dirk Roose Adhemar Bultheel. Integer wavelet transforms using the lifting scheme. In CSCC Proceedings, 1999.
  9. J. Y. Hsiao. C. C. Chang. and C. -S. Chan. Finding optimal least significant-bit substitution in image hiding by dynamic programming strategy. Pattern Recognition, 36:1583–1595, 2003.
  10. Cachin. An information theoretic model for steganography. Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Information Hiding. D. Aucsmith (Eds. ). Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer-verlag. , 1525, 1998.
  11. C. K. Chan. and L. M. Cheng. Hiding data in images by simple lsb substitution. Pattern Recognition, 37:469–474, 2004.
  12. Scott. Craver. On public-key steganography in the presence of an active warden. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Information Hiding. , pages 355–368, Portland,Oregon, USA, 1998.
  13. Potdar V. and Chang E. Gray level modification steganography for secret communication. In IEEE International Conference on Industria lInformatics. , pages 355–368, Berlin, Germany, 2004.
  14. Guillermito. Steganography: A few tools to discover hidden data. 2004.
  15. P Huang. K. C. Chang. , C. P Chang. and T. M Tu. A novel image steganography method using tri-way pixel value differencing. Journal of Multimedia, 3, 2008.
  16. Y. K. Lee. and L. H. Chen. High capacity image steganographic model. IEE Proc. -Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 147:288–294, 2000.
  17. W. Sweldens. The lifting scheme. A construction of second generation wavelets. SIAM J. Math. Anal. , 29:511–546, 1997.
  18. N. F. Johnson. and S. Jajodia. Steganography: seeing the unseen. IEEE Computer, 16:26–34, 1998.
  19. W. Sweldens R. Calderbank, I. Daubechies and B. L. Yeo. Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. ,5:332–369, 1998.
  20. C. F. Lin. R. Z. Wang. and J. C. Lin. Image hiding by optimal lsb substitution and genetic algorithm. Pattern Recognition, 34:671–683,2001.
  21. Gustavus J. Simmons. The prisoners' problem and the subliminal channel. Proceedings of CRYPTO. , 83:51–67, 1984.
  22. Aparajita Khan et al. Souvik Bhattacharyya and Gautam Sanyal. Pixel mapping method (pmm) based bit plane complexity segmentation (bpcs) steganography. In Proceedings of WICT 2011, Mumbai ,India, 2011.
  23. Lalan Kumar Souvik Bhattacharyya and Gautam Sanyal. A novel approach of data hiding using pixel mapping method (pmm). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SECURITY (IJCSIS), 8, 2010.
  24. JHP Eloff. T Mrkel. and MS Olivier. An overview of image steganography. In Proceedings of the fifth annual Information Security South Africa Conference. , 2005.
  25. Andreas Westfeld and Andreas Pfitzmann. Attacks on steganographic systems. In Proceedings of the Third Intl. Workshop on Information Hiding, Springer-verlag. , pages 61–76, 1999.
  26. D. C. Wu. and W. H. Tsai. A steganographic method for images by pixel value differencing. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24:1613–1626, 2003.
  27. IEEE Alan Conrad Bovik Fellow IEEE Hamid Rahim Sheikh Student Member IEEE Zhou Wang, Member and IEEE. Eero P. Simoncelli, Senior Member. Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. , 3," "
  28. Ahmad T. Al-Taani. and Abdullah M. AL-Issa. A novel steganographic method for gray-level images. International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering, 3, 2009.
  29. RJ Anderson. Stretching the limits of steganography. Information Hiding, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1174:39–48, 1996.
  30. Ross J. Anderson. and Fabien A. P. Petitcolas. On the limits of steganography. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC),Special Issue on Copyright and Privacy Protection, 16:474–481, 1998.
  31. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. Study of secure steganography model. In Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT-2008),Panipath,India, 2008.
  32. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. An image based steganography model for promoting global cyber security. In Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Hyderabad, India, 2009.
  33. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. Implementation and design of an image based steganographic model. In Proceedings of IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Patiala, India, 2009.
  34. Souvik Bhattacharyya. and Gautam Sanyal. Hiding data in images using pixel mapping method (pmm). In Proceedings of 9th annual Conference on Security and Management (SAM) under The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing(World Comp 2010), LasVegas,USA, July 12-15,2010.
  35. Geert Uytterhoeven Dirk Roose Adhemar Bultheel. Integer wavelet transforms using the lifting scheme. In CSCC Proceedings, 1999.
  36. J. Y. Hsiao. C. C. Chang. and C. -S. Chan. Finding optimal least significant-bit substitution in image hiding by dynamic programming strategy. Pattern Recognition, 36:1583–1595, 2003.
  37. Cachin. An information theoretic model for steganography. Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Information Hiding. D. Aucsmith (Eds. ). Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer-verlag. , 1525, 1998.
  38. C. K. Chan. and L. M. Cheng. Hiding data in images by simple lsb substitution. Pattern Recognition, 37:469–474, 2004.
  39. Scott. Craver. On public-key steganography in the presence of an active warden. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Information Hiding. , pages 355–368, Portland,Oregon, USA, 1998.
  40. Potdar V. and Chang E. Gray level modification steganography for secret communication. In IEEE International Conference on Industria lInformatics. , pages 355–368, Berlin, Germany, 2004.
  41. Guillermito. Steganography: A few tools to discover hidden data. 2004.
  42. P Huang. K. C. Chang. , C. P Chang. and T. M Tu. A novel image steganography method using tri-way pixel value differencing. Journal of Multimedia, 3, 2008.
  43. Y. K. Lee. and L. H. Chen. High capacity image steganographic model. IEE Proc. -Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 147:288–294, 2000.
  44. W. Sweldens. The lifting scheme. A construction of second generation wavelets. SIAM J. Math. Anal. , 29:511–546, 1997.
  45. N. F. Johnson. and S. Jajodia. Steganography: seeing the unseen. IEEE Computer, 16:26–34, 1998.
  46. W. Sweldens R. Calderbank, I. Daubechies and B. L. Yeo. Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. ,5:332–369, 1998.
  47. C. F. Lin. R. Z. Wang. and J. C. Lin. Image hiding by optimal lsb substitution and genetic algorithm. Pattern Recognition, 34:671–683,2001.
  48. Gustavus J. Simmons. The prisoners' problem and the subliminal channel. Proceedings of CRYPTO. , 83:51–67, 1984.
  49. Aparajita Khan et al. Souvik Bhattacharyya and Gautam Sanyal. Pixel mapping method (pmm) based bit plane complexity segmentation (bpcs) steganography. In Proceedings of WICT 2011, Mumbai ,India, 2011.
  50. Lalan Kumar Souvik Bhattacharyya and Gautam Sanyal. A novel approach of data hiding using pixel mapping method (pmm). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SECURITY (IJCSIS), 8, 2010.
  51. JHP Eloff. T Mrkel. and MS Olivier. An overview of image steganography. In Proceedings of the fifth annual Information Security South Africa Conference. , 2005.
  52. Andreas Westfeld and Andreas Pfitzmann. Attacks on steganographic systems. In Proceedings of the Third Intl. Workshop on Information Hiding, Springer-verlag. , pages 61–76, 1999.
  53. D. C. Wu. and W. H. Tsai. A steganographic method for images by pixel value differencing. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24:1613–1626, 2003.
  54. IEEE Alan Conrad Bovik Fellow IEEE Hamid Rahim Sheikh Student Member IEEE Zhou Wang, Member and IEEE. Eero P. Simoncelli, Senior Member. Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. , 3,"
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cover Image Pixel Mapping Method (pmm) Stego Image Bpcs (bit Plane Complexity Segmentation) Integer Wavelet Domain.