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On Proficiency of HEED Protocol with Heterogeneity for Wireless Sensor Networks with BS and Nodes Mobility

by Manju Bala, Lalit Awasthi
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Manju Bala, Lalit Awasthi

Manju Bala, Lalit Awasthi . On Proficiency of HEED Protocol with Heterogeneity for Wireless Sensor Networks with BS and Nodes Mobility. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 2, 7 ( May 2012), 58-62. DOI=http:/ijais12-450369

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title = { On Proficiency of HEED Protocol with Heterogeneity for Wireless Sensor Networks with BS and Nodes Mobility },
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issue_date = { May 2012 },
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%T On Proficiency of HEED Protocol with Heterogeneity for Wireless Sensor Networks with BS and Nodes Mobility
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In this paper, the enhancement of HEED protocol to support mobility in both homogenous and heterogeneous network [Homogeneous HEED (H-HEED), two-, three-level heterogeneous (2H-HHED & 3H-HEED) and multi-level heterogeneous HEED (MH-HEED)] has been presented. Here, we have examined the performance of HEED, 2H-HEED, 3H-HEED and MH-HEED with random mobility in wireless sensor network in terms of stability, energy efficiency, lifetime and throughput. The results establish that the MH-HEED in sensor network proved to be superior because of the enhancement in the performance metrics like: stability, lifetime and throughput (data packets transmitted to BS) with the random mobility of BS. The network performance is dominating in terms of stability, throughput and energy efficiency if 3H-HEED protocol is used and it is useful for habitat monitoring and other similar applications. The overall performance of the network substantially improved in case of BS mobility.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network Network Lifetime Heterogeneity Mobile Bs.