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Durational Actions Timed Automata: Determinization and Expressiveness

by Ilham Kitouni, Hiba Hachichi, Kenza Bouarroudj, Djamel-eddine Saidouni
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 4 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ilham Kitouni, Hiba Hachichi, Kenza Bouarroudj, Djamel-eddine Saidouni

Ilham Kitouni, Hiba Hachichi, Kenza Bouarroudj, Djamel-eddine Saidouni . Durational Actions Timed Automata: Determinization and Expressiveness. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 4, 2 ( September 2012), 1-11. DOI=10.5120/ijais12-450609

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%A Djamel-eddine Saidouni
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In this paper we present durational actions timed automata, DATA*, as a sub class of timed automata. In the contrast of T. A, the underling semantic of DATA* is the maximality semantics which claim that actions have durations and true concurrency is captured differently from choice. DATA* model is in one hand useful for modeling and validating reel aspects of systems. In the other hand, it is determinizable and closed under all Boolean operations. As result, the language inclusion problem is decidable. Then, we compare a durational actions timed automata to event recording automata, which is a determinizable sub class of the classical timed automata. Next, we propose a simple framework to aggregate region of DATA* for reducing its space state. This study is based on an aggregation region automata procedure to reduce the combinatorial explosion of regions. Finally, we discuss equivalence and validation of systems.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Formal timed models durational actions timed automata determinizable models expressiveness reduction approach