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Distance based Routing Scheme for Underwater Sensor Networks

by Abraham Varughese, Rangarajan S. V, Seetharamiah.p, Soundararajan. K
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 4 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Abraham Varughese, Rangarajan S. V, Seetharamiah.p, Soundararajan. K

Abraham Varughese, Rangarajan S. V, Seetharamiah.p, Soundararajan. K . Distance based Routing Scheme for Underwater Sensor Networks. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 4, 8 ( December 2012), 12-16. DOI=10.5120/ijais12-450780

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title = { Distance based Routing Scheme for Underwater Sensor Networks },
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%T Distance based Routing Scheme for Underwater Sensor Networks
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Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN) are gaining increasing importance. The main constituents of UWSN are Static Acoustic sensor nodes and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. The sensor nodes located in a particular depth are to pass the data to the sinks. As acoustic transmission range is limited, the information has to be routed via many hops. We are proposing a distance based routing scheme for such an under water network. The performance of the network employing a distance based routing scheme has been evaluated for different scenarios using UNET underwater network simulator.

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  11. S. V. Rangarajan, Abraham Varughese, P. Seetharamiah, K. Soundararajan, "Localisation Schemes in an Underwater Sensor Network – Survey and Solutions" International Conference on Sensors & Related Networks, SENNET'2012
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  13. S. V. Rangarajan, Abraham Varughese, P. Seetharamaiah, K. Soundararajan, "UNET – A Network simulator for underater Networks" International journal of Computer Applications, Volume 50 – No. 15, July 2012, Newyork,USA
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Simulation Acoustic Network AUV Embedded Protocols Routing