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Plagiarism Detection using Sequential Pattern Mining

by Ali El-matarawy, Mohammad El-ramly, Reem Bahgat
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ali El-matarawy, Mohammad El-ramly, Reem Bahgat

Ali El-matarawy, Mohammad El-ramly, Reem Bahgat . Plagiarism Detection using Sequential Pattern Mining. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 5, 2 ( January 2013), 24-29. DOI=10.5120/ijais12-450846

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This research presents a new technique for plagiarism detection using sequential pattern mining titled EgyCD. Over the last decade many techniques and tools for software clone detection have been proposed such as textual approaches, lexical approaches, syntactic approaches, semantic approaches …, etc. In this paper, the research explores the potential of data mining techniques in plagiarism detection. In particular, the research proposed a plagiarism technique based on sequential pattern mining (SPM), words/statements are treated as a sequence of transactions processed by the SPM algorithm to find frequent itemsets. The research submits an experiment to discover copy/paste in the text source and it gave good results in a reasonable and acceptable time.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Plagiarism Detector Plagiarized Clones Textual Approach Lexical Approach Syntactic Approach Data Mining Apriori Property Sequential Pattern Mining