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Dimensionality Reduction in Feature Vector using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for Effective Speaker Recognition

by Suri Babu Korada, Anitha. Y, Anjana. K. K. V. S
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Suri Babu Korada, Anitha. Y, Anjana. K. K. V. S

Suri Babu Korada, Anitha. Y, Anjana. K. K. V. S . Dimensionality Reduction in Feature Vector using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for Effective Speaker Recognition. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 5, 5 ( April 2013), 15-17. DOI=10.5120/ijais13-450913

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title = { Dimensionality Reduction in Feature Vector using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for Effective Speaker Recognition },
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This paper describes analysis of a speaker recognition model based on Generalized Gamma Distribution (GGD) using PCA. The proposed work mainly concentrates on the feature vectors that are generated from the speech signals contain high dimension data, but to model a speech and recognize a speaker finite speech samples which plays significant role in speech analysis are sufficient, hence it necessary to reduce dimension of the data. The PCA is considered for this purpose, it converts high dimension speech signal in to a low dimension speech signal by transforming the un-correlated components of the speech signal. PCA not only reduces the correlation among feature vectors but also the speech signal. The feature vectors are modeled by extracting MFCC followed by PCA for dimensionality reduction.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


GGD PCA MFCC Dimensionality reduction