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Identifying the Behavioral Difference using Differential Slicing

by N. Suguna, R. M. Chandrasekaran
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: N. Suguna, R. M. Chandrasekaran

N. Suguna, R. M. Chandrasekaran . Identifying the Behavioral Difference using Differential Slicing. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 5, 7 ( May 2013), 41-48. DOI=10.5120/ijais13-450943

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The programmer has to understand the behavior of two similar programs and then identify the execution difference which produces difference in output. When two similar programs are executed under two different environments which shows different behavior in output. The main difference exists in the program behavior is due to two different types of input. This paper proposes differential slicing based on trace alignment algorithm which produces the execution differences and generates a casual difference graph. We implement differential slicing for C# programs and identify the execution difference. The results shows that differential slicing identifies the input difference and casual difference graph reduces the amount of time for the programmers to understand the execution difference. Our experimental results show the proposed differential slicing performs better than existing approach.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Casual Difference Graph (CDG) Program Dependence Graph (PDG)