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Reseach Article

Analysis and Performance Assessment of CPU Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud using CloudSim

by Monica Gahlawat, Priyanka Sharma
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Monica Gahlawat, Priyanka Sharma

Monica Gahlawat, Priyanka Sharma . Analysis and Performance Assessment of CPU Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud using CloudSim. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 5, 9 ( July 2013), 5-8. DOI=10.5120/ijais13-450970

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title = { Analysis and Performance Assessment of CPU Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud using CloudSim },
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Scheduling refers to a set of policies and mechanisms to control the order of work to be performed by a computer system. CPU is by far the most important resource of the computer system. Recent advances in software and architecture of the system increased the complexity of the processing as the computing is now distributed and parallel. Job scheduling is complex in this environment. The VM (Virtual Machine) can use a distinctive VCPUs (Virtual CPU) running queue for each physical CPU, which is referred to Partition Queue Model (PQM). As a contrast, a Sharing Queue Model (SQM) of CPU scheduling algorithm can be used. This paper is analyzing and evaluating the performance of various CPU scheduling in cloud environment using CloudSim.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Virtual machine virtual CPU Cloud computing CPU scheduling algorithms