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Wireless Ad hoc Network Simulators: Analysis of Characterstic Features, Scalability, Effectiveness and Limitations

by Anita Sethi, J. P. Saini, Manoj Bisht
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 5 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Anita Sethi, J. P. Saini, Manoj Bisht

Anita Sethi, J. P. Saini, Manoj Bisht . Wireless Ad hoc Network Simulators: Analysis of Characterstic Features, Scalability, Effectiveness and Limitations. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 5, 9 ( July 2013), 17-22. DOI=10.5120/ijais13-450973

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The nature of wireless ad hoc network is such that communication between the nodes is extremely volatile, resultantly the quality of the wireless links is heavily unstable. Implementation of algorithms with enormous processing power and memory capacity for small and restricted resource-constrained wireless nodes is an inspiring task. Performance and behaviour estimation and comparison of wireless ad hoc network protocols, simulations are upright solution between cost and complexity, on the one side, and accuracy of the results, on the other side. Such simulation tools should allow researchers to verify new ideas and compare the proposed solutions in a virtual environment helping to avoid unnecessary, time-consuming or expensive hardware implementations. Difficulty arises in selection of wireless ad hoc network simulator for specific objective, features and usability due to the prensence of lots of simulators. Reusability, availability, performance, scalability, support for rich-semantics, scripting languages and graphical support are the main requirments for best framework of the wireless ad hoc network simulator. Within the study, we have described desirable and valuable missing features of the simulators, demarcation of their strength and weaknesses. Lot of effort is required for installation, habituation, implementation and visualization of wireless ad hoc network simulator. A lot of researchers and Scholars can seek help from this paper to identify the suitability of simulator for their study.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless ad hoc network scalability simulator emulator