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In-depth Analysis of Wavelet Transform based Denoising Scheme for Smooth and Textured Images Corrupted with Gaussian Noise

by Gopal Prasad, Arun Kumar Mishra, Atul Kumar Singh
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Gopal Prasad, Arun Kumar Mishra, Atul Kumar Singh

Gopal Prasad, Arun Kumar Mishra, Atul Kumar Singh . In-depth Analysis of Wavelet Transform based Denoising Scheme for Smooth and Textured Images Corrupted with Gaussian Noise. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 6, 7 ( January 2014), 27-32. DOI=10.5120/ijais14-451083

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title = { In-depth Analysis of Wavelet Transform based Denoising Scheme for Smooth and Textured Images Corrupted with Gaussian Noise },
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issue_date = { January 2014 },
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%A Gopal Prasad
%A Arun Kumar Mishra
%A Atul Kumar Singh
%T In-depth Analysis of Wavelet Transform based Denoising Scheme for Smooth and Textured Images Corrupted with Gaussian Noise
%J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
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Image denoising involves the manipulation of the image data to produce a clear and high quality image. Selection of the denoising algorithm is depends on the types of images and applications area of images. Hence, it is necessary to have knowledge about the noise present in the image so as to select the appropriate denoising algorithm. Wavelet based approach is Nobel approach for denoising smooth and textured images corrupted with Gaussian noise. This paper proposed the wavelet based approach with level depending threshold calculated by modified 'sqtwolog' method (universal method) at each scale on the images corrupted with Gaussian noise and performs their in-depth study by considering five major wavelet families like Haar, Daubecheis, Coiflets, Symlets and Biorthogonals. The noisy wavelet coefficients are threshold by Soft Threshold method. The edge preservation and sparse representation abilities of wavelet transform is utilized. A quantitative measure of comparison between original image and denoised image is provided by the PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) for the smooth and textured images.

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  2. S. G. Mallat and W. L. Hwang, "Singularity detection and processing with wavelets," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 38, pp. 617–643, Mar. 1992.
  3. David L. Donoho and Iain M. Johnstone, "Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage," Journal of American StatisticalAssociation, 90(432):1200-1224, December 1995.
  4. R. Coifman and D. Donoho, "Translation invariant de-noising," in Lecture Notes in Statistics: Wavelets and Statistics, vol. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 125-150, 1995.
  5. Amara Graps, "An Introduction to Wavelets," IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, summer 1995, Vol 2, No. 2.
  6. Matlab 7. 8, "Wavelet tool box,".
  7. Matlab7. 8, "Matlab," http://www. mathworks. com/, May 2009.
  8. D. L. Donoho, "De-noising by soft thresholding", IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, Vol. 41, pp. 613-627, 1995.
  9. Image Processing Fundamentals-Statistics, "Signal to Noise ratio," http://www. ph. tn. tudelft. nl/courses/FIP/no frames/fip-Statisti . html, 2001.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Wavelet Thresholding Denoising Smooth and Textured Images PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio).