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To Web 3.0, the Contribution of Semantic Web to the Social Web

by Lasla Sihem, Maache Salah
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Lasla Sihem, Maache Salah

Lasla Sihem, Maache Salah . To Web 3.0, the Contribution of Semantic Web to the Social Web. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 6, 8 ( February 2014), 37-41. DOI=10.5120/ijais14-451102

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There are hundreds of social network sites. Millions of people are registered. They o?er the opportunity to create a pro?le and then create links with other members. They also allow to post messages, articles, photographs, etc. All this leaves traces in the databases of these sites, which is not always without consequence. It is precisely this knowledge that this master thesis is looking through a knowledge representation, i. e. an ontology. We mark the importance of taking into account the social aspect in the Semantic Web, and we show that these two approaches are complementary.

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Computer Science
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Semantic Web Ontology Social Web Social Network …