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Enhanced Collision-Free Slotted Aloha with Priority in Contention (SAPC)

by Sushil Mehra, Varun Chopra
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Sushil Mehra, Varun Chopra

Sushil Mehra, Varun Chopra . Enhanced Collision-Free Slotted Aloha with Priority in Contention (SAPC). International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 7, 10 ( October 2014), 34-40. DOI=10.5120/ijais14-451249

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title = { Enhanced Collision-Free Slotted Aloha with Priority in Contention (SAPC) },
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The most simple and easy way of allocating a channel among multiple competing users is an ALOHA protocol and in this paper, a way of allocating a single shared channel among multiple competing users through slotted ALOHA without forming collisions in transmission and starvation to any station during the contention and the transmission period is proposed. The proposed Slotted ALOHA with Priority in Contention (SAPC) is better than original slotted ALOHA as the later one has collisions during the transmission period, which renders the efficiency and leads to long waiting period for stations. The enhancement in SAPC came from using priorities of station in contention slots in a slotted ALOHA (as only one station is allowed to transmit in a given time slot no collision can occur). This method provides a more convenient and efficient way of utilizing the channel among multiple users in a shared environment where collision occurrence is crucial. Also a new station requesting to access the channel is allowed to access the shared channel (assuming it has data of much higher priority) than the rest of the data accumulated by the stations in a shared channel. This condition of high priority data is serviced in this new proposed method SAPC.

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  10. Cedomir Stefanovi´c, Member, IEEE, Petar Popov ski, Senior Member, IEEE "ALOHA Random Access that Operates as a Rate less Code" ( http://arxiv-eb3. library. cornell. edu/abs/1308. 1503)
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  12. Simon S. Lam , "An Analysis of the Reservation-Aloha Protocol For Satellite Packet Switching " ,Department of computer sciences, University of Texas Austin.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Slotted Aloha Pure Aloha Framed Aloha Collision Free Contention Resolution Priority and Reservation Aloha etc.