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Implementation of Neural Network in Cost Factors of E-Advertisement

by Shilpi Bansal, B. K. Sharma
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Shilpi Bansal, B. K. Sharma

Shilpi Bansal, B. K. Sharma . Implementation of Neural Network in Cost Factors of E-Advertisement. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 7, 11 ( November 2014), 15-17. DOI=10.5120/ijais14-451253

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title = { Implementation of Neural Network in Cost Factors of E-Advertisement },
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%T Implementation of Neural Network in Cost Factors of E-Advertisement
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E-Advertisements have made possible to allow marketers for approaching target segments in the most measurable, interactive and more essentially, cost-effective ways. However, Neural Network is a forecasting tool for dynamic and changing market environments. A Strong advantage of neural networks is that a properly trained network can be considered experts with regard to the particular output project for which it was designed to examine. This paper gives brief view about various e-advertisement Payment trends. Various sector wise e-advertisement related data from 2008 to 2013 have been collected from IAB (Internet Advertisement Bureau) and applied the Back Propagation technique of Neural Network for predicting ratio of cost models in E-advertisements. Effective use of data mining will ear mark of E-advertisement in various industries like consumer service, retail, auto, travel, computing, media, financial service, telecommunication etc.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-Advertisements Neural Networks Price Models