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Critical Factors Affecting Oracle E-Business Suite Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) R12 Implementation: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia�s University

by Syed Zubair, Abu Taha Zamani
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Syed Zubair, Abu Taha Zamani

Syed Zubair, Abu Taha Zamani . Critical Factors Affecting Oracle E-Business Suite Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) R12 Implementation: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia�s University. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 7, 3 ( May 2014), 9-15. DOI=10.5120/ijais14-451158

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This study examines the essential and efficient factors that enable or inhibit the success of implementation of ERP. It uses a case study methodology to analyze these factors in terms of an educational organizational performance and ERP capabilities and functions. As a result of the current Oracle E-Business Suite ERP using in the system are not used as per the university end-user requirements and as per the standard capabilities of the system. The ERP is either not well utilized or never utilized. Having a complete study at the modules/functions available in the system and the usage can be easily concluded that a maximum of 12% of the functions were utilized and in some cases a 0% of usage rate, meaning that the university has paid 23 Million SAR to invest only 12% of the cost which is only 27,600,000 SAR, and that a total of 202,400,000 SAR is considered as a sunk cost that is not never utilized. The level of Users Acceptance is very less even lesser then 10%. The implementation should be done as per requirements and do necessary testing. Check time to time with the vendor that how much work is completed, whether the project is leading towards the goal or not. Do provide the training to the users make sure that they have to follow workflow of the system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Enterprise Resource Planning Critical Factors Users Acceptance.