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Development and Validation of a Framework for Assessing the Performance and Trust in e-Government Services

by Syed Faizan H. Zaidi, Sahithi Siva, Farhi Marir
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Syed Faizan H. Zaidi, Sahithi Siva, Farhi Marir

Syed Faizan H. Zaidi, Sahithi Siva, Farhi Marir . Development and Validation of a Framework for Assessing the Performance and Trust in e-Government Services. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 7, 4 ( June 2014), 28-37. DOI=10.5120/ijais14-451189

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Technological intensification has expended the involvement of information and communication technology in public sectors which facilitate governments across the globe to offer a range of services to their citizens. Enhanced governmental dependence on information systems constrains the management attention towards improving the information systems' services and the quality. One necessary element of offering quality online services is to understand citizens' perceptions towards using such services in contrast with the conventional service methods that they are accustomed to. Therefore, periodical performance assessment of offered e-government services becomes an essential and critical for e-government. In this paper, the authors attempt to investigate the underlying factors and various dimensions of e-government services, and propose a performance assessment framework that will assess the quality and trust dimensions of the e-services from citizens' perspective. A systematic study of the existing performance assessment models has been carried out in establishing the basis for conceptualizing a framework called e-government service performance and trust assessment framework (E-GSPTA). The proposed framework is designed and validated by using Indian e-tax service.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-government performance assessment e-services quality trust.