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Reseach Article

Comparative Study of different Methodologies to Predict Human Character

by Ankur M. Bobade, N. N. Khalsa
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Ankur M. Bobade, N. N. Khalsa

Ankur M. Bobade, N. N. Khalsa . Comparative Study of different Methodologies to Predict Human Character. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 8, 4 ( February 2015), 8-13. DOI=10.5120/ijais15-451301

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Realistic data modeling can be used to predict human performance and explore the relationships between diverse sets of variables. A major challenge of realistic data modeling is how to simplify or anticipate the findings with a limited amount of pragmatic data to a broader perspective. In this paper, the individuality of some of the categorization methods that have been effectively applied to handwritten script recognition and results of SVM and ANNs categorization method, applied on handwritten script. After preprocessing the handwritten image the psychological individuality in the writing namely size, slant and pressure, baseline, number of breaks, margins, speed of writing and spacing between the words is extracted. These attributes are subsequently provided to Neural classifier and into support vector machine for categorization. In neural classifier, it is discovered that three ways of combining decisions of various MLP's, designed for various attributes. To exhibit the method and the value of modeling human performance with SVM, SVM applied to a real world human factors problem of identification of character of a person. The results specify that the SVM based model of person's character detection gives good performance. Various propositions on modeling human character by using SVM have been discussed. From machine learning an approach is introduced, known as support vector machine (SVM), which can help deal with this challenge.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Human character predicting model human character data analysis and modeling support vector machine (SVM) categorization.