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Empirical Study of Relationship between Twitter Mood and Stock Market from an Indian Context

by Saurav Kumar, Siddartha Maskara, Nitin Chandak, Saptarsi Goswami
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Saurav Kumar, Siddartha Maskara, Nitin Chandak, Saptarsi Goswami

Saurav Kumar, Siddartha Maskara, Nitin Chandak, Saptarsi Goswami . Empirical Study of Relationship between Twitter Mood and Stock Market from an Indian Context. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 8, 7 ( May 2015), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/ijais15-451352

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Various studies have been conducted to investigate relationship between sentiment from investors or from news and stock market movement. From literature study it is observed, there is no systematic study conducted on the same for India, which is one of the leading emerging markets of the world. In this paper, 'twitter' have been used as the source of the news as mostly all popular channels publishes news through tweets. Corpora of 0. 3 Million tweets have been collected between July 2014 to Mar, 2015, from 30+ relevant twitter handles. The polarity of the news has been extracted and shown to have a significant correlation with stock market movement measured in terms of 'Sensex' and 'Nifty', the major stock indices of India. Relationship of the sentiment with other macroeconomic factors like Gas and Oil Price, Exchange rate etc. has also been examined.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Stock Market Prediction Mood Sentiment Analysis Sensex Correlation Tweets