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A Novel Method to Improve the Traffic Cost and Energy Consumption of Grid Networks based on AHP

by Samira Hourali, Fatemeh Hourali
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Samira Hourali, Fatemeh Hourali

Samira Hourali, Fatemeh Hourali . A Novel Method to Improve the Traffic Cost and Energy Consumption of Grid Networks based on AHP. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 8, 7 ( May 2015), 38-43. DOI=10.5120/ijais15-451353

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The problem of Virtual Machine (VM) placement in a compute grid infrastructure is well-studied in the literature. However, the majority of the existing works ignore the dynamic nature of the incoming stream of VM deployment requests that continuously arrive to the grid provider infrastructure. One of the most important objectives of the VM placement algorithm is determine the optimal location of virtual machines in physical servers, So that the minimum number of physical servers to be turned on for enhancing the overall performance of the grid environment. Efficient placement of VMs in PMs (Physical Machines) in grid environment improves resources utilization and energy consumption. In this paper, we employ AHP method to design an integrated VM placement algorithm, called AHP VM Placement (AHPVMP) which can reduce the number of running PMs and lower the energy consumption. Extensive simulation results in GridSim environment show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of traffic cost, SLA, energy and migration.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Energy Consumption AHP Migration PM.