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The Progression of Dynamic Reconfigurable Intrusion Identification Wireless Sensor Network

by Hathal Salamah A. Alwageed
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 9 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Hathal Salamah A. Alwageed

Hathal Salamah A. Alwageed . The Progression of Dynamic Reconfigurable Intrusion Identification Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 9, 6 ( September 2015), 28-30. DOI=10.5120/ijais2015451427

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title = { The Progression of Dynamic Reconfigurable Intrusion Identification Wireless Sensor Network },
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WSN’s are anticipated turn out to be an imperative implementation for an assortment of safety measures and for miscellaneous monitoring applications. We have witnessed and detailed the growth and expansion of a WSN’s with having manifold formation of intrusion recognition and categorization. Initially, reasonably trouble-free nodes by means of indispensable sensing devices, a low computational power microcontroller and faculties of wireless transmission are brought into play. The primary stage nodes are exercised as preface intrusion recognizers/detectors. The subsequent/following sensor node is constructed in the order of a towering performance/act FPGA dealing out an assortment of cameras. Such nodes are able to be vigorously built up to carry out diverse forms of scrutiny and visual data processing to bear out and authenticate the existence of every intruder/burglar/imposter in the prospect and to endow with further facts in relation to the intruder. Specifically, the network is capable of lending a hand to an individual operator to substantiate the system’s assessment weather an identified or discovered intruder is an impending threat.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intrusion Identification WSN