CFP last date
28 March 2025

Call for Paper

Submissions open for - April Edition

International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) solicits research papers, technology surveys/reviews and technical reports for the interdisciplinary areas related with information systems engineering. The goal of the IJAIS journal is to publish the most recent results in the development of system aspects of information systems and software engineering.

Researchers and practitioners working in these areas are invited to take this opportunity to discuss, express and publish their views on the current trends, challenges, and state of the art solutions addressing various issues in these areas.

The manuscript/ paper can be submitted via PhDFocus Manuscript Submission System. In case of any issue, feel free to contact

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline
28 March 2025
Review Results
Minimum 25 days from the date of receipt of manuscript

All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality by the technical IJAIS committee and international review panels. Papers that describe research and experimentation are encouraged. All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Researchers and authors are invited to participate in the peer-review process of IJAIS papers if your research interest matches with the themes of Call for Papers. For other information, please contact Editorial Support Team at

Paper Template

IJAIS adheres to strict conformance with a pre-defined paper template. All the camera-ready papers must conform to the IJAIS paper template. Conformance is mandatory for indexing in Google Scholar, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database and NASA ADS.

DOCX template
Latex template
Peer Review

Once the technical paper is submitted by the author, a related research paper will be sent to the author for peer-review. Peer review is an additional means of reviewing the submitted manuscripts to eradicate any chances of plagiarism and ascertain the qualitative attributes of the manuscript. Apart from peer review, all submitted manuscripts always undergo procedural review within the IJAIS review/ referee/ experts' network. In case, if the paper that is sent to the author does not pertain to the author's area of expertise, intimation of the same can be sent to

Copyright Transfer

Once any manuscript is selected for publication in International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS), the authors must submit the copyright transfer document to IJAIS. The copyright form is available from this link.