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Novel Approach to Improve Apriori Algorithm using Transaction Reduction and Clustering Algorithm

Published on June 2014 by Anil Vasoya
International Conference and workshop on Advanced Computing 2014
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICWAC2014 - Number 1
June 2014
Authors: Anil Vasoya

Anil Vasoya . Novel Approach to Improve Apriori Algorithm using Transaction Reduction and Clustering Algorithm. International Conference and workshop on Advanced Computing 2014. ICWAC2014, 1 (June 2014), 0-0.

author = { Anil Vasoya },
title = { Novel Approach to Improve Apriori Algorithm using Transaction Reduction and Clustering Algorithm },
journal = { International Conference and workshop on Advanced Computing 2014 },
issue_date = { June 2014 },
volume = { ICWAC2014 },
number = { 1 },
month = { June },
year = { 2014 },
issn = 2249-0868,
pages = { 0-0 },
numpages = 1,
url = { /proceedings/icwac2014/number1/645-1427/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference and workshop on Advanced Computing 2014
%A Anil Vasoya
%T Novel Approach to Improve Apriori Algorithm using Transaction Reduction and Clustering Algorithm
%J International Conference and workshop on Advanced Computing 2014
%@ 2249-0868
%V ICWAC2014
%N 1
%P 0-0
%D 2014
%I International Journal of Applied Information Systems

Now a day, Association rules mining algorithms used to increased turnover of any product based company. Therefore, many algorithms were proposed to determine frequent itemsets. This paper also proposes a novel algorithm, which is resulting from merging two existing algorithms (i. e. Partition with apriori and transaction reduction algorithm) to derived frequent item sets from large database. The experiments are conducted to find out frequent item sets on proposed algorithm and existing algorithms by applying different minimum support on different size of database. It shows that designed algorithm (pafi with apriori algorithm) takes very much less time as well as it gives better performance when there is a large dataset. Whereas with increase in dataset, Apriori and Transaction reduction algorithm gives poor performance as compared to PAFI with apriori and proposed algorithm. The implemented algorithm shows the better result in terms of time complexity. It also handle large database with efficiently than existing algorithms.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


PAFI clustering Transaction reduction