International Conference and Workshop on Communication, Computing and Virtualization |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICWCCV2015 - Number 3 |
September 2015 |
Authors: Kaustubh Vijay Joshi, Zahir Aalam |
38dfde30-240c-4426-8f76-4c99c28afacf |
Kaustubh Vijay Joshi, Zahir Aalam . Evaluating Possible Cloud based Architecture to Incorporate ICT in Education. International Conference and Workshop on Communication, Computing and Virtualization. ICWCCV2015, 3 (September 2015), 0-0.
Building and sharing resources are integral part of any teaching learning process. There might be possible bi-directional communication carried out but mostly it is a monologue followed by grievance resolving sessions. Considering education by conducting practical's, there might be a one-step higher level of monologue and more focused on grievances and fetching tutorial guidance. Current systems are not able to provide a uniform pre-built solution to this educational scenario. Most of the tasks are brought down to either administration level or to even sometimes development level. Considering time constraints of educators, it is not possible to facilitate such long timings on content development with distribution. Again while distribution of content, via lecture/practical presences and availability of student is necessary. Lagging so shall not complete the process. Thus the domain is seen as possible problem domain whose solution could be centralized in a distributed environment and made available over different networks. In this paper is tried to conduct survey and find the gaps across this technology and possibly propose the solution where that can pitch a product that serves the need of educational domain members.