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A Novel Iris Recognition System using Sobel Edge Detection and Binary coded features

Published on November 2013 by Vijay S. Shinde, Soni B. Bhambar
2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013)
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCIPET - Number 2
November 2013
Authors: Vijay S. Shinde, Soni B. Bhambar

Vijay S. Shinde, Soni B. Bhambar . A Novel Iris Recognition System using Sobel Edge Detection and Binary coded features. 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013). NCIPET, 2 (November 2013), 0-0.

author = { Vijay S. Shinde, Soni B. Bhambar },
title = { A Novel Iris Recognition System using Sobel Edge Detection and Binary coded features },
journal = { 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013) },
issue_date = { November 2013 },
volume = { NCIPET },
number = { 2 },
month = { November },
year = { 2013 },
issn = 2249-0868,
pages = { 0-0 },
numpages = 1,
url = { /proceedings/ncipet/number2/557-1349/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013)
%A Vijay S. Shinde
%A Soni B. Bhambar
%T A Novel Iris Recognition System using Sobel Edge Detection and Binary coded features
%J 2nd National Conference on Innovative Paradigms in Engineering and Technology (NCIPET 2013)
%@ 2249-0868
%N 2
%P 0-0
%D 2013
%I International Journal of Applied Information Systems

Iris recognition is a form of biometric techniques that identifies user with the unique iris patterns between the pupil and the sclera. Biometric identification technology has been associated generally with very costly top secure applications. This paper suggests a new approach to iris recognition system. Sobel operator is used for iris edge detection. Simplicity and quickness of proposed edge detection method which is coping with binary images is considerable. Binary code representation from each iris image and a modified Hamming distance method is applied for matching process. Experimental results on UBIRIS. v1 images database which has 1877 images collected from 241 person's shows the reliability and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometric identification Iris recognition Sobel Hamming Distance Image processing