CFP last date
28 March 2025

What if your paper is Rejected

What if your paper is Rejected

You've done all the previously mentioned tips and instructions but still received that rejection slip. What do you do?

• Learn from Rejection

While getting rejected sure is a great ego let down, do not let this crush all your dreams of getting your work out there published in an academic journal! Every writer does get rejected at certain points in their writing careers but this doesn’t mean it will always be the case.

The first thing you should do is to read the reviewer’s note and find out why your journal article submission was rejected. Rejection can be a tool for success if you’re willing to learn from it. Criticisms are necessary for any individual who wants to improve in his chosen field/s. So accept it like a consolation prize, and use it to improve in your craft.

• Be Persistent

Upon getting that scientific journal rejection slip and reading the reviewer’s note, you still have options to choose from. You may fix all the stated problems or reformat according to the journal’s instructions and resubmit. You may also check and research for other journals where you feel your journal article submission is appropriate and submit it again.

The key to success is persistence. If in the first time you don’t get accepted, try again and this time, do better by taking and learning from all their criticisms. By being persistent, you eventually learn and become more familiar to the journal’s submission process. Meaning, the greater chances of getting your article finally accepted! Even today’s best and most highly-distinguished writers have gotten their submissions rejected at least once in their writing career, so don’t let any rejection slip hold you back.